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Guide for Authors

Forum Theologicum Sardicense accepts manuscripts in English, Bulgarian, German, French, Greek, and Romanian. The literary style and adequacy are guaranteed by the author. 

Manuscripts that are going to be considered for publication include: original research, reviews, project-linked texts that have not been published or submitted elsewhere.

All manuscripts should include the author's full name, institutional affiliation, professional email, ORCID and Web of Science link.

All articles, regardless of the language of the text, should include an abstract, key words in English.

By submitting a manuscript to FThS the author agrees that:

- The submitted text is original, has not been published elsewhere and does not contradict existing copyright holders;

- They grant the right to FThS to publish, distribute and popularise their work.

- They will not publish the submitted manuscript online without the knowledge and agreement of the editorial board of FThS;

Forum Theologicum Sardicense does not require a fee for the review and consideration of articles for publication. 

Upon submitting your manuscript please let us know if you would like to be part of the double-blind peer review of not. All manuscripts submitted without a marked preference will be treated as opting out of the double-blind peer review.

Citation Requirements

Maximum number of pages for the Journal Forum Theologicum Sardicense (Formerly “Bogoslovska Misǎl”[Theological Thought]) is 55 (1.800 characters) and up to 300 for the Yearbook of the Faculty of Theology, includingtables and illustrative materials. 

The papers should be written in MS Word (docx) format – latest version. Punctuation marks should be written immediately after the word without space, no more than one space is allowed between words and punctuation marks. Inserting footnotes should be done only with the standard Insert Footnote, while the footnote number in the main text should be placed before the punctuation mark. The text should not be loaded with additional characters and formats. Quotation marks should be written according to the Bulgarian State standard („.......“). It is obligatory to distinguish thehyphen (-), which is used only in grading and in double names or titles, e.g., greater, from the middle hyphen (–) (in all other cases, e.g., XX - XXI c. or [p], 10–14. As the hyphen is spaced before and after.

The text should be typed on a standard sheet, A4 format, with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman/ MinionPro fontsize 12 pt and alignment Justified; with 2.5 cm margins at the top, bottom, left and right and 1.25 cm indent of first line ofa new paragraph. Footnotes should be 10 pt font size, with common numbering and placed at the bottom of the page. Papers proposed for publication should use the Greek keyboard of Microsoft, which is included in every Microsoft package, along with the Old English fonts cyrillica Ochrid 10U and Cyrillica Bulgarian 10U.


The title should be written in capital letters, centered, font style Bold with size 18 pt. The name of the author(s) shall appear also in capital letters, centered, font style Bold and with size of 14 pt, on a blank line above the title. In a footnote is indicated the academic position and institution in upper and lower letters. The title in English should be written on one black line followed by the authors(s)’ name(s) in Latin, in the same style.

5. At the beginning is placed an abstract in English, French or German in one paragraph that should consist 50-100 words in 11 pt fon size. 

Following the abstract and after one blank line, the key words (5-10) are written in English, French or German in thesame font size and and style as the abstract.


Following one blank space the main text of the paper or scholar report is written in font size 12 pt and Justified alignment. 


The text can contain footnotes, have an internal structure according to the standard requirements for scientific publications, but without hyperlinks to web pages. Indents of a new line should not be made with a tab but with formatting. References used should be cited in the original language of the publication.

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