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2013 / Issue 2

Front and Back Matter


State and Church Relations under Communism, National Socialism and Fascism: Some Aspects of the Problem

Plamen S. Tzvetkov

Odessa Ecclesiastical Counter-Revolutionary Organization of 1931: Martyrs and Confessors

Archimandrite Euphrosyne (Bilash)

Dynamics of the Communist Repressions against the Church after the Coup of September 9th, 1944

Ventsislav Karavalchev

Soviet Paralels in the Politics of Bulgarian State against the Church in the First Years of the Communist Dictature

Ventsislav Karavalchev

Vatican Radio: From “The Sofia Case of Murder” to the Goоd News

Anna-Maria Krasteva

Beginning of the State Security Operations against Exarch Stefan during the 40s of the 20th Century

Dilyan Nikoltshev

The Construction of the Sofia Largo in the 50s of the 20th Century and the Aborted Plans to Destroy the St Nedelia Church and the Banya Bashi Mosque

​Zhivko Lefterov

Second Rome through the Εyes of the Τhird One. The Εvolution of the Ιmage of Byzantium in the Russian Social Consciousness

Sergey Ivanov

Russian-Soviet Religious Myth Production

Oleg-Sandro Pamfilov

Simplification of the Communist Past as the Source of the “Political Religion”

Momchil Metоdiev

Christianity and National Security

Viktor Kostov

In the Age of the Post-Ecclesiality (The Emergence of Post-Ecclesiological Modernity).

Archim. Grigorios D. Papathomas

REVIEW: Fr. Radko Poptodorov, Diliyan Nikolchev: Exarch Stephan under the “care” of the Communist Security Services, Sofia: Military Publishing House 2016, 463 pp.

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